Arrotzaren kantua

Juan Luis Zabala

(Leonard Cohenen beste kantu baten hitzak).

Arrotzaren kantua

Egia da ezagutu zenituen gizon guztiak
Jokoa utzia zutela zioten jokalariak zirela
Zuk aterpea ematen zenien bakoitzean
Ezagutzen dut gizon mota hori
Zaila da eskutik heltzea
Amore emateko zerua iritsi beharra duen bati

Eta ahaztuta utzi zituen komodinak jasotzerakoan
Jabetzen zara ez zizula ia ezer ere utzi
Ezta barrerik ere
Edozein jokalari bezala
Kartarik onenaren, kartarik altuenaren zain zegoen
Besterik behar ez izateko
Jose bat estalpe bila bezala
Jose bat estalpe bila bezala

Eta egun batez zure leihoaren karelean bermatuta
Esango dizu zuk emandako amodioak, beroak eta babesak
Borondatea ahuldu ziotela
Eta bere karteratik
Tren ordutegi zahar bat atereaz, esango du
Esan nizun etorri nintzenean arrotz bat nintzela
Esan nizun etorri nintzenean arrotz bat nintzela

Baina orain badirudi beste arrotz batek nahi duela
Zuk bere ametsei kasurik ez egitea
Beste baten zama izan balira bezala
Oi zuk ikusia duzu lehen ere gizon hori
Haren urrezko besoa kartak banatzen
Baina orain herdoildu egin da ukalondotik erietaraino
Eta aldatu nahi du bere jokoa babesaren truke
Bai, aldatu nahi du ezagutzen duen jokoa babesaren truke

Gogaitu egiten zaitu beste gizon nekatu bat ikusteak
Bere eskua beheratzen uko egingo balio bezala
Pokerraren joko sakratuari
Eta bere ametsez mintzatzen zaizun bitartean lokartu arte
Zu jabetzen zara autobide bat dagoela
Bihurritu egiten dena kea bezala haren bizkar gainean
Bihurritu egiten dena kea bezala haren bizkar gainean

Zuk sartzeko eta esertzeko esaten diozu
Baina zerbaitek buelta emanarazten dizu
Atea irekita dago, ezin duzu dagoeneko zure babesa ukatu
Bideko kisketa probatzen duzu
Irekia dago baina ez beldurrik izan
Zeu zara, maitea, zeu zara arrotz zarena
Zeu zara, maitea, zeu zara arrotz zarena

Ondo da, zure zain nengoen, ziur nintzen
Topo egingo genuela itxaroten genituen trenetan
Uste dut beste bat hartzeko tenorea dela
Mesedez, uler ezazu, nik ez nuen inoiz izan mapa sekreturik
Honen bihotzeraino iristeko
Ezta beste ezereneraino ere
Ondo da, horrela mintzo zaizu hura
Baina zuk ez dakizu zein den haren asmoa
Horrela hitz egiten dizunean,
Ez dakizu zein den haren asmoa

Elkar gaitezen bihar ondo iruditzen bazaizu
Uraren ertzean, amaierarik gabeko ibai baten gainean
Eraikitzen ari diren zubiaren azpian
Ondoren nasan utzita
Zure ohe-bagoi epelera igotzen da
Eta orduan ulertzen duzu, beste babes bat eskatzen baino ez dela ari
Eta zuregana dator, inoiz ez da arrotz bat izan
Eta zuk diozu “Ados, zubian edo beste edozein lekutan aurrerago”

Eta ahaztuta utzi zituen komodinak jasotzerakoan
Jabetzen zara ez zizula ia ezer ere utzi
Ezta barrerik ere
Edozein jokalari bezala
Kartarik onenaren, kartarik altuenaren zain zegoen
Besterik behar ez izateko
Jose bat estalpe bila bezala
Jose bat estalpe bila bezala

Eta egun batez zure leihoaren karelean bermatuta
Esango dizu zuk emandako amodioak, beroak eta babesak
Borondatea ahuldu ziotela
Eta bere karteratik
Tren ordutegi zahar bat atereaz, esango du
Esan nizun etorri nintzenean arrotz bat nintzela
Esan nizun etorri nintzenean arrotz bat nintzela

The Stranger Song

It’s true that all the men you knew were dealers
Who said they were through with dealing
Every time you gave them shelter
I know that kind of man
It’s hard to hold the hand of anyone
Who is reaching for the sky just to surrender
Who is reaching for the sky just to surrender

And then sweeping up the jokers that he left behind
You find he did not leave you very much not even laughter
Like any dealer he was watching for the card
That is so high and wild
He’ll never need to deal another
He was just some Joseph looking for a manger
He was just some Joseph looking for a manger

And then leaning on your window sill
He’ll say one day you caused his will
To weaken with your love and warmth and shelter
And then taking from his wallet
An old schedule of trains, he’ll say
I told you when I came, I was a stranger
I told you when I came, I was a stranger

But now another stranger seems
To want you to ignore his dreams
As though they were the burden of some other
Oh you’ve seen that man before
His golden arm dispatching cards
But now it’s rusted from the elbow to the finger
And he wants to trade the game he plays for shelter
Yes he wants to trade the game he knows for shelter

Ah you hate to watch another tired man
Lay down his hand
Like he was giving up the holy game of poker
And while he talks his dreams to sleep
You notice there’s a highway
That is curling up like smoke above his shoulder
It is curling just like smoke above his shoulder

You tell him to come in sit down
But something makes you turn around
But door is open, you can’t close your shelter
You try the handle of the road
It opens do not be afraid
It’s you my love, you who are the stranger
And it’s you my love, you who are the stranger

Well, I’ve been waiting, I was sure
We’d meet between the trains we’re waiting for
I think it’s time to board another
Please understand, I never had a secret chart
To get me to the heart of this or any other matter
When he talks like this, you don’t know what he’s after
When he speaks like this, you don’t know what he’s after

Let’s meet tomorrow if you choose
Upon the shore, beneath the bridge
That they are building on some endless river
Then he leaves the platform for the sleeping car that’s warm
You realize, he’s only advertising one more shelter
And it comes to you, he never was a stranger
And you say, “Okay the bridge or someplace later”

And then sweeping up the jokers that he left behind
You find he did not leave you very much not even laughter
Like any dealer he was watching for the card
That is so high and wild
He’ll never need to deal another
He was just some Joseph looking for a manger
He was just some Joseph looking for a manger

And leaning on your window sill
He’ll say one day you caused his will
To weaken with your love and warmth and shelter
And then taking from his wallet
An old schedule of trains, he’ll say
I told you when I came, I was a stranger
I told you when I came, I was a stranger
I told you when I came I was a stranger

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